Alien Fuel Group

Representative: Rein van der Horst

Rein van der Horst of Alien Fuel explained its innovative system, which adapts industrial boilers and burners to no longer be fed by fossil fuel, but by briquettes made from alien vegetation.

The judges said there was room to expand Alien Fuel’s business to afford it greater power and longevity. They also said Alien Fuel is in a great way including many parameters in its business model that cover the circular economy, job creation, energy production and water consumption.

Judges comments

  • There is a room to scale their business and become sustainable. Development and growth will assist in the long-term survival of the business. Their presentation is clear, polished and easy to follow
  • Alien Fuel is in a great way including many parameters in their business model covering both the circular economy, job creation, energy production and water consumption. Alien Fuel could benefit from expanding their network and scale their business case

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